"Product added 03/03/15 in our database "(3479 Days)
Blue, White
Arabic Numerals, Roman Numerals
Indicates sunrise and sunset, dawn and dusk, moonphases, moonrise and moonset, eclipses of sun and moon, the month and the day of the week, Indicates the position of the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky at any given hour as seen from Earth, The Astrolabe was developed by ancient astronomers to measure the altitude and direction of celestial bodies over the horizon, calculate the seasons, the movements of the zodiac and to foretell eclipses, Yellow gold-tone hour and minute hands with luminescent fill
30 m (100 ft.)
18-carat Yellow Gold
Polished finished 18-carat yellow gold case, Transparent sapphire crystal case-back
Scratch resistant sapphire
18-carat Yellow gold
Fixed polished finished 18-carat yellow gold bezel engraved with Roman and Arabic numeral hour markers with black inlay
Self-winding mechanical
Calculates the seasons, the movements of the zodiac and to foretell eclipses, Hours, minutes, Indicates sunrise and sunset, dawn and dusk, moonphases, moonrise and moonset, eclipses of sun and moon, the month and the day of the week, Indicates the position of the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky at any given hour as seen from Earth, Measures the altitude and direction of celestial bodies over the horizon
Limited Edition
Blue Alligator Leather
18-carat yellow gold buckle
Blue Alligator Leather Strap
Day-of-week window located at 6 o'clock
Month indicator
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American C.
January 26, 2023 03:19:43
One of the most undervalued watches of the past 50 years, designed by a leading Patek watch maker. Its a Patek manufactured by Ulysse Nardin.